WHY? Contaminants get in spa water from users and from exposure to the environment. Shocking the water in your spa is essential on a regular basis, because it destroys undesirable growths and contaminants.

With regular use, your spa water needs to be shocked to prevent organic waste or cloudy water build-up.

  • Shock your spa water every 7 to 10 days depending on the level of use, to oxidize and remove waste materials before they become a problem
  • Shock your spa water after a large number of people use it or, if it is an outdoor spa, after a heavy rain
  • Shocking your spa water regularly helps stop growths before they become visible

HOW? Kem-Tek Step 3 products are fast acting, to keep your spa water clear and sparkling for everyone to enjoy. They remove organic contamination from users and the environment. Browse Step 3 products for more information.

Quick and easy way to shock your spa

Does not contain chlorine

2024 KIK Pool Additives Inc.

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Our Products are safer for families, for pets and safer to store.